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Skye's VBT Surgery @ Simmerath, Germany - March 12th 2018

Her story prior to surgery is here.  

Spinal Surgery - Milestone Diary

Here are the milestones and summary for each day:

Just FYI: Skye had curve sizes of T104 / L84. Double tether T5-T12, and Lumbar tether T12-L3. Disc release top four thoracic vertebrae.

- 5 days - Pre-op including registration, bloods, x-rays, examination, heart ECG (not standard).

Day Zero - Pre-med @ 7am, down to theatre @ 7.30am, operation @ 8am, in ICU by 4pm.

Day One - 1st chest tube out, standing, getting out of bed & walking with help.

Day Two - 2nd chest tube out, lying Xray, walking, main line out, discharged from Intensive Care.

Day Three - All drips, lines and catheter removed. Number 1's. Walked 10m on her own.

Day Four - Number 2's, walking 100m, getting out of bed without aid.

Day Five - Showered and out of hospital gown.

Day Seven - Walking stairs

Day Eight - Discharged from hospital

Day Ten - Chest drain sutures (stitches) out. Flew from Germany to the UK.

Day Twelve - Finished the hospital meds and now just on Panadol and Ibuprofen.

Day Eighteen - Flew home to New Zealand from UK.

Three weeks - Had all wound coverings off, went to school for two periods per day.

Six weeks - Going gently, and doing most things including swimming.

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