Any which way...
I've emailed, I've nagged, I've bothered and still nothing - no date planned for John Ferguson or Randall Betz.
So where do I go from here, if I push too hard I'll frighten them away and they'll ignore me - maybe that has already happened which is why I've had no response. I desperately want to let them know that I'm just a Mum trying to do the right thing for my girl, I'm not a bully, I'm not thinking they aren't helping, I just need a date for Skye for selfish reasons.
When seeing John I explained that time wasn't on my side, I learnt before last Christmas that I had a brain tumour, I've begged them to not operate until Skye is done, I just cannot go into surgery (mid July) for myself without knowing that Skye has been taken care of - I just can't.
So, what else can I do. I learnt from the Facebook VBT sites about Randall's nurse; Janet. Louise (an amazing Scoli Mum and avid supporter) encouraged me to reach out to Janet. So, today I emailed Janet Cerrone from Spine & Scoliosis in New York.
She came back pretty much straight away, a Mum to a Mum, she was so gentle and kind, and confirmed to me that Randall had indeed had a conference call with John Ferguson, and that she would quietly and confidentially find out whether Randall had any dates in mind.
Lastly, my gut feel won't let go of a gentleman named Philip Insull, he was performing VBT at St Georges, Tooting, London until funding ceased and he came home to New Zealand last November.
We emailed last year when he was on his way back to New Zealand but he wasn't practising here then, but he was fantastic and gave us some great tips around bolstering exercises before VBT surgery.
I'd been in touch with his administrator a few times to no avail since Christmas, but this time I called and left a message to see if we could go and see him - a Call Centre called back and said that the earliest appointment was December 2017.
Oh my gosh - perhaps my gut feel was wrong, perhaps not.
So, I tried calling the two specialist centres where he consults, I spoke to an amazing lady at Ormiston Specialist Centre in Auckland, who now has us booked in on June 7th at 9.30am.
Yay - not sure why, but this feels the right thing to do.
- June 5th